
Showing posts from November, 2019

Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break - Opening and Editing The .BLE Game Files

images taken from the game and from the game manual I have an itch to play Beach Life every now and then. The last time it happened, I found a band-aid solution to guests complaining about high prices. I wanted to make more changes if I could but I couldn't find a way to open and read some of the script files. There are some files in the game that are readable on notepad ( GameParameters.pis and the other . pis files on each scenario and sandscenario folder) but when you try to open up the . ble files, you only see random symbols. I've tried tools that I've seen recommended online ( Game Extractor , Ghidra , Offzip to name a few). Admittedly, I did just glaze over them because I know nothing about reverse engineering a game and didn't know what to do. I have an inkling to play it again recently, and I decided to try an idea that has been looming over my head but have been avoiding.... The GameParameters.pis file had a header containing the file name, and I notice...

Movies Round Up Ep. 003 (Elise, Dirty Dancing, Wild and Free, Miss Granny)

Elise (2019) I think this poster is loads better than that awful scriptina font they used on the trailer They've both opened their hearts to others, but Bert ( Enchong Dee ) has always been about Elise ( Janine Gutierrez ) deep down. I felt that Elise eventually went with Bert because... he was just there. I don't know. But then again the story is told from Bert's perspective so it makes sense his feelings were highlighted. I've had that sinking feeling that things aren't going to end up well - youth, humor and nostalgia just couldn't mask that air of foreboding. I'm a sucker for happy endings so I was secretly hoping Elise has pulled through but no. Bert and Elise's parents has already come into terms with her passing so there's that. And also, there's ice cream (Josie's ice cream) Dirty Dancing (1987) nobody puts baby in a corner! there I said it! I didn't anticipated that I would like it as much as I did. The ...

Movies Round Up Ep. 002 (Dora and the Lost City of Gold, Arrival, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, The Lost Boys)

Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) exploradora ka ghorl?? After getting past all Dora's ( Isabela Merced ) cringe fourth wall scenes, I started to enjoy the movie more. It isn't that serious but this is definitely for older kids/teens to watch. I loved the flower field scene the best, it was funny and a nice nod to the animated series.  Arrival (2016) tegi time People have been broadcasting messages, leaving time capsules etc. in deep space and I've always wondered how aliens could understand these. I'm not usually into sci-fi films, but this one is subtle and thought provoking. I know heptapods are gentle and all but maaaan they're scary. If you were Louise  ( Amy Adams ), would you still go through with something if you know it'll just end up in tragedy? Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988) tag yourself - I'm the clown wearing white It was hard to get past the bad everything . To a lot of people, this is one of those...

Snacks Round Up Ep 001 (Kit Kat Popcorn, Fibisco Ginger Snaps, Selecta Pineapple Slice, OK Choco Loops)

Kit Kat Popcorn Smells like popcorn but it oddly tastes only of chocolate. Fibisco Ginger Snaps These are hard as hockey pucks but they're very flavorful and aromatic. They're probably also the cheapest ginger snaps you'll ever find. Selecta Pineapple Slice I don't know if I missed the commercial for these or if its an old product, but I only keep seeing the TVC for the watermelon and mango flavors. This is my fave among the three. OK Choco Loops  These are super good. I've only seen them sold at 7/11 and Landmark.

Movies Round Up Ep. 001 (Little Shop of Horrors, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, Heathers)

I've been watching a lot of movies recently and I think it'll be good to write something about them while they're still fresh in my mind. Disclaimer: I do want to be better at expressing my thoughts but I'm pretty much just writing this to help me remember what parts I liked. Little Shop Of Horrors (1986) chomp chomp  Out of all the ones I've watched recently, I think this is my favorite. The songs were enjoyable (my mind automatically singing  little shop, little shoppa horrors  🎶 as I type) and apart from being obsessed with Aubrey's ( Ellen Greene ) outfits I think the overall visuals are great - my favorite bits being Somewhere That's Green and when Seymour ( Rick Moranis ) fed Audrey to Audrey II ( Levi Stubbs ).  The version I watched was the one with the cut ending and I actually would have loved a happy one so I watched the theatrical ending immediately after but didn't really liked it. Audrey II getting electrocuted by his...