
Showing posts from July, 2008

Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break - Opening and Editing The .BLE Game Files

images taken from the game and from the game manual I have an itch to play Beach Life every now and then. The last time it happened, I found a band-aid solution to guests complaining about high prices. I wanted to make more changes if I could but I couldn't find a way to open and read some of the script files. There are some files in the game that are readable on notepad ( GameParameters.pis and the other . pis files on each scenario and sandscenario folder) but when you try to open up the . ble files, you only see random symbols. I've tried tools that I've seen recommended online ( Game Extractor , Ghidra , Offzip to name a few). Admittedly, I did just glaze over them because I know nothing about reverse engineering a game and didn't know what to do. I have an inkling to play it again recently, and I decided to try an idea that has been looming over my head but have been avoiding.... The GameParameters.pis file had a header containing the file name, and I notice...

I love Beard Papa .............. not

The first time I saw 'Beard Papa', I knew I had to try the cream puffs right away. Never mind if 50 pesos ($1.13) for a cream puff is too steep for a broke college student like me. I went home, gave the other cream puff to my sister, and then took my first bite. ... .... ..... ...... Well. It wasn't too sweet, which my sister liked. I didn't find anything extraordinary with the cream filling though. I don't know if that branch of 'Beard Papa' just skimped on some ingredients (lol) so the cream puffs didn't tasted the way it should , because the way people rave about Beard Papa, I really expected the cream puffs to be really.... yum. My sister bought a mixed box of 'Beard Papa' yesterday, and again, I was underwhelmed with the cream puffs with toppings. At least the plain ones were better, but still, not good enough to make me spend 50 pesos. Since I'm talking about cream puffs, there is a place near the Philippine Orthopedic Hospi...