
Showing posts from February, 2014

Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break - Opening and Editing The .BLE Game Files

images taken from the game and from the game manual I have an itch to play Beach Life every now and then. The last time it happened, I found a band-aid solution to guests complaining about high prices. I wanted to make more changes if I could but I couldn't find a way to open and read some of the script files. There are some files in the game that are readable on notepad ( GameParameters.pis and the other . pis files on each scenario and sandscenario folder) but when you try to open up the . ble files, you only see random symbols. I've tried tools that I've seen recommended online ( Game Extractor , Ghidra , Offzip to name a few). Admittedly, I did just glaze over them because I know nothing about reverse engineering a game and didn't know what to do. I have an inkling to play it again recently, and I decided to try an idea that has been looming over my head but have been avoiding.... The GameParameters.pis file had a header containing the file name, and I notice...

Kao Liese Prettia Bubble Hair Dye Marshmallow Brown Review

When dyeing my hair, I always go for reds/wines but always hated how the red tint fades away so fast. I haven't dyed my hair in ages so I've decided to dye my hair using Liese Prettia Bubble Hair Dye in Marshmallow Brown. Liese Prettia Bubble Hair Dye in Marshmallow Brown I've seen my sister use Etude House Bubble Hair Dye before and I wasn't really impressed with the result. The colour was just too subtle for my liking, so I had my doubts about using bubble hair dyes. Still, using bubble hair dyes just seems so much easier (especially with regards to making sure the colour is even throughout the hair) than regular dyes so I really want to try it out. At the back of the box shows a chart of how the result should look like depending on your current hair colour (which I forgot to take a picture of). My natural hair colour is somewhere between the darkest colour and the second darkest colour on the back of the box, and the promised result seems bright enough...

Canmake Cream Cheek - 13 Love Peach Review

I have the Canmake Cream Cheek sitting in my room for around two weeks now (along with Perfect Serum BB Cream and Marshmallow Finish Powder - will update links later), but haven't gotten around using the cream cheek until recently. I used to like using gel/liquid blushes when I was in my early teens but somehow outgrew it and rarely used blush in the recent years. Anyway, here are my thoughts on Canmake Cream Cheek (Love Peach): Canmake Cream Cheek in 13 Love Peach The colour looks like a warm pink on the package, so I was quite surprised how it is more of a pale pink colour on my cheeks. The colour I have on my cheeks is what I would expect from their 'Marshmallow Pink' shade (see chart below for reference) from: I didn't expect pale pink would suit me, so I'm not really complaining even if specifically bought 'Love Peach' thinking it will give a nice pink with a hint of peach. ...

Koss PortaPro Classic Review

Koss PortaPro Classic I wouldn't say I'm a music connoisseur, but I do love music. After years of using pre-packaged earphones with music player devices and buying dirt cheap generic earphones/headphones, I've decided it's about to time up my listening game. After researching for pair of good but affordable pair of headphones, I've decided to try Koss PortaPro.  Upon opening the box, I was surprised at how small the ear plates are. Perhaps I was just used to how most (if not all) headphones that I've tried in the past fully covers my ear. Among the reviews I've read, most people either hate or love the retro look of the Koss PortaPro, but it's not really an issue for me. Normally, I'd choose a more subdued looking pair of headphones but I don't think it looks particularly bad or anything, so I would have no qualms wearing this in public.  I love how the area around the 3.5 mm jack looks sturdy. With my past earphones/headphones, th...

Skinfood Aloe Mask Sheet Review

Another mask sheet that I've tried recently is Skinfood's Aloe Mask Sheet. After reading on the benefits of Aloe on the skin, the most notable that I've read were its moisturizing properties (suitable for dry and oily skin) and its healing properties (ushering the skin to heal from acne, blistering and what not with minimal scarring).  There's no English instruction/description on the back but because I have too much time on my hands, I typed it below (apart from the precautions for use part). I can only hope that I didn't misspelled anything.  ------------------------------------------------------- 스킨푸드 알로에 마스크 시트 수분이 풍부한 알로에 추출물이 함유되어 있고 촉촉하고 건강한 피부로 기꾸어 주는 100% 코튼 마스크 시트 [알로에 이야기] 피부를 진정시키고 건조한 피부를 촉촉하게 기꾸어 주는 알로에는 피부 진정 및 수분 공급 효과가 뛰어납니다. 사용법: - 마스크를 꺼내어 얼굴 중심에 잘 맞춘 후 피부에 말착시키며 붑여줍니다. - 10~15분 정도 사용 후 시트를 떼어내고 남은 에센스는 두드려 흡수시킵니다. 주요성분 : 알로에 베라젤 220mg Here is the rough English translation.  Disclaimer: Most likely no...

Etude House Pearl Extract Mask Sheet Review

I have a few samples of Etude House Pearl Extract Mask Sheet lying around, so I decided to give it a try. Description: Essence mask contains pearl extract that promotes natural skin glow. Tension fit design for improved facial adhesion and comfort. The main active ingredient of the mask is hydrolyzed pearl. Pearl powder has been used for beauty treatments for so long now for their benefits they are believed to give. However, the absorption rate for pearl powder is low whether it is taken internally or applied topically. Hydrolyzed pearl has a higher absorption rate, so you the skin can absorb more protein, calcium and what not from the pearl.  Anyway, after cleansing my face I proceeded on putting on the mask sheet. I couldn't exactly describe the scent but it vaguely reminds me of the sea. I'm not sure if it was because I'm using a pearl product so I was associating the smell to the sea. Anyway, the mask fits well on my face and I left it on for 30 minutes...

Meal Kit Supply MRE Chicken Fajita (Menu 9) Review

Disclaimer: In light of the news late last year of the MREs supplied by the US military intended for the victims of "Yolanda" being sold in Makati, I just want to make it clear that this particular MRE I'm reviewing is a commercial MRE legally sold by Meal Kit Supply  for personal/family emergency food supply use. I purchased the MRE at Amazon and have it shipped here (along with other items) through (will update the link for my review when I finally get around finishing my post on that). MRE Chicken Fajita (Menu #9) Chicken Fajita The Chicken Fajita Filling was alright. I don't particularly like it since it tastes like canned afritada, but I can't remember which ( Wow Ulam perhaps?) Fried Rice The Fried Rice was really weird. It was mushy (texture is quite close to glutinous rice minus the stickiness) and has a sweet taste, almost like a bland  Champorado  (chocolate rice porridge). This is easily solved by mixing in the ri...