
Showing posts from April, 2014

Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break - Opening and Editing The .BLE Game Files

images taken from the game and from the game manual I have an itch to play Beach Life every now and then. The last time it happened, I found a band-aid solution to guests complaining about high prices. I wanted to make more changes if I could but I couldn't find a way to open and read some of the script files. There are some files in the game that are readable on notepad ( GameParameters.pis and the other . pis files on each scenario and sandscenario folder) but when you try to open up the . ble files, you only see random symbols. I've tried tools that I've seen recommended online ( Game Extractor , Ghidra , Offzip to name a few). Admittedly, I did just glaze over them because I know nothing about reverse engineering a game and didn't know what to do. I have an inkling to play it again recently, and I decided to try an idea that has been looming over my head but have been avoiding.... The GameParameters.pis file had a header containing the file name, and I notice...

The Cream Factory Bath Cream Review

I've managed to finish up the three bottles prior to this review. The Cream Factory bath cream is made of real Netherlands goat's milk and 100% Active Botanical extracts. You can either buy one flavor at a time, or buy a bundle box with three variants. The one I got was Goat's Milk & Avocado, Goat's Milk & Honey and Goat's Milk and Yogurt. The Cream Factory Bath Cream According to their website , the Goat's Milk & Avocado is a radiating soap - the lactic acid from the goat milk will exfoliate dead skin cells while avocado revives the skin and protects it against elements. Goat's Milk & Honey is a germ-killing soap - the honey's antimicrobial properties help kill bacteria and prevent their growth and since it is infused with goat's milk, you can keep your skin moisturized. While the Goat's Milk & Yogurt is a soothing soap - goat's milk and yogurt together removes dead skin cells, and moisturize skin, making this ...

Kose Happy Bath Day Precious Rose Body Powder Review

I'm not really into body powders, but the packaging of Kose Happy Bath Day Precious Rose Body Powder is just too cute to pass up. Kose Happy Bath Day Precious Rose Body Powder I'm not into roses too so I was quite relieved that the smell goes on subtle when applied to your skin. The mild rose scent also stays for quite some time (I live in a tropical country, so I'm impressed!). I'm not sure if this is a Japanese thing, but I see a lot of Japanese brands carrying rose scented products. Pink Powder Puff It has a really cute pink powder puff that is a little hard to grab on to. It felt weird pinching the ribbon in order to use the puff. I would have liked it better if there was somewhere I could slip my fingers on the puff. I was trying to pry off the separator because I wanted to reuse the container after the powder runs out, but I can't (although I didn't try too hard, at the risk of spilling the contents and make the powder fly all around ...

Holika Holika Lip Rescue Trio Scrub Review

I don't particularly have chapped lips but once in a while I do suffer from bouts of flaky, chapped lips every now and then. Holika Holika Lip Rescue Trio Scrub I haven't used any type of lip scrub prior to this one, but Holika Holika Lip Rescue Trio Scrub seems to do a decent job. Upon opening, it has a very sweet but artificial strawberry smell and the scrub looks like wet sugar granules. I recommend getting a small amount at first because I ended up using a lot more than what was enough during my first try. I don't use it everyday, but whenever my lips start to chap, I use this once a day for 1-2 days and then my lips go back to normal. I would recommend using a lip balm/lip moisturizer along with this scrub though, as it is only a scrub - it just helps you get rid of the flaky skin on your lips but it doesn't really fix what is making your lips chap in the first place.  Overall it is okay. It does its job, but personally I would like to try other lip...