
Showing posts from September, 2023

Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break - Opening and Editing The .BLE Game Files

images taken from the game and from the game manual I have an itch to play Beach Life every now and then. The last time it happened, I found a band-aid solution to guests complaining about high prices. I wanted to make more changes if I could but I couldn't find a way to open and read some of the script files. There are some files in the game that are readable on notepad ( GameParameters.pis and the other . pis files on each scenario and sandscenario folder) but when you try to open up the . ble files, you only see random symbols. I've tried tools that I've seen recommended online ( Game Extractor , Ghidra , Offzip to name a few). Admittedly, I did just glaze over them because I know nothing about reverse engineering a game and didn't know what to do. I have an inkling to play it again recently, and I decided to try an idea that has been looming over my head but have been avoiding.... The GameParameters.pis file had a header containing the file name, and I notice...

Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break Guests Complaining About High Prices Fix

------ UPDATE 24TH JANUARY 2025 ------ I've managed to read some of the .ble files I will be putting it in another post Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break - Opening and Editing the .BLE Game Files ------------------------------------------------------ Beach Life is a business strategy PC game by Deep Red Games (now called DR Studios) and Eidos Interactive .  It was released in 2002 and I was still young when I first played it lol. I know there are a lot of similar games but at the same time I haven't really found something quite like it so I get a hankering to play every five years or so. I usually only play sandbox mode but I noticed that eventually guests start complaining about high prices after day 10. It's frustrating because it comes to a point where guests flat out refuse to buy so you have to keep lowering prices (or rebuild it again). I find the accommodation blocks especially INFURIATING . When guests start complaining about the accommodation blocks, chipp...