Are You Afraid Of The Dark (2019)
I didn't even know there was a 3 episode reboot last year! This isn't an anthology like the original TV series (the most memorable episode for me was
The Tale of the Dollmaker). Instead, the story focuses on the Midnight Society members, more specifically the new member of the group (also the new girl in school) called Rachel. As for the story.. eh it was ok. I heard there's going to be a new season, I hope it's going to be a lot better.
Creeped Out (2017-2018, 2019)
I've watched the first season last 2018 and totally forgot about it until I saw somewhere that the second season was out last year. My favorite episodes this season were '
Splinta Claus' (I thought to myself it would really scare kids) and '
Itchy' (a zombie apocalypse but with lice instead of zombies - unexpectedly hilarious!). '
Tilly Bone' was confusing at first, but it has the most unusual story telling out of all the Creeped Out episodes (quite brilliant, actually).
The Haunting Hour (2010-2014)
Based on R.L. Stine's anthology books (The Haunting Hour and Nightmare Hour) as well as the 2007 movie
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It - all of which I haven't read or seen. But, as a kid I loved reading Goosebumps, Ghosts of Fear Street (and some of Fear Street, but I haven't read a lot of those) as well as watching the original Goosebumps tv series so there's no way I would miss this. There are 76 episodes so you can binge watch and it's okay for kids. Some episodes will leave you thinking!
Creepshow (2019)
I don't really know what to expect going in (I haven't seen the original 1982
movie), but now that I've finished watching, I can say this definitely isn't for kids (but fine for teens)! But in keeping with the theme, I decided to include it in this post. There are two short stories per episode and the comic book elements are cute (probably not the right word for it but you get what I mean). The first episode was kind of weak but the episodes get better after that. I really like episode 3 and 5 (All Hallow's Eve/The Man in the Suitcase & Night of the Paw/Times is Tough in Musky Holler) Happy to hear there will be a second season!