Beach Life Virtual Resort: Spring Break - Opening and Editing The .BLE Game Files

images taken from the game and from the game manual I have an itch to play Beach Life every now and then. The last time it happened, I found a band-aid solution to guests complaining about high prices. I wanted to make more changes if I could but I couldn't find a way to open and read some of the script files. There are some files in the game that are readable on notepad ( GameParameters.pis and the other . pis files on each scenario and sandscenario folder) but when you try to open up the . ble files, you only see random symbols. I've tried tools that I've seen recommended online ( Game Extractor , Ghidra , Offzip to name a few). Admittedly, I did just glaze over them because I know nothing about reverse engineering a game and didn't know what to do. I have an inkling to play it again recently, and I decided to try an idea that has been looming over my head but have been avoiding.... The GameParameters.pis file had a header containing the file name, and I notice...

Manic Panic Hot Hot Pink Review

This isn't the first Manic Panic I've used. The first one I used was Ultra Violet, but I just pretty much use it to tone my hair after bleaching and haven't really dyed my hair with it.

~ ⋆ BLEACH ⋆ ~

I've bleached my hair two days prior to using Manic Panic. I used my go to bleach from Beauteen. It lightens my colour to around level 7 or 8. I'm not really sure if that is an accurate description as it does make my hair yellow. It lightens the hair colour pretty well, not as harsh on the nose like normal bleach, and my hair doesn't actually feel like it's going to fall apart after washing it off. Plus it's easier to use (for me). The first time I tried bleaching my hair it was so uneven (like some parts were still dark brown, and others were really brassy blonde). Sometimes I still end up with uneven hair with using Beauteen's bleach, but it's not that bothersome.

~ ⋆ TONE ⋆ ~

Next I attempted to tone my hair with Clairol Shimmer Lights Shampoo. Honestly, I don't know how long ago I purchased this, and I don't know the shelf life of the product (since I just use it one time after bleaching, so there's still lots of it left over) but it did nothing for my hair this time - maybe it was expired?

I ended up having to use Manic Panic's Ultra Violet again to tone my hair, which I accidentally left on my hair longer than I usually would. It didn't stain my hair but my hair was less lighter but at least the brassiness is gone.


I realized that I don't have any petroleum jelly on hand, and I know it says on the instructions to use petroluem jelly but after searching the internet for alternatives I opted to use moisturizer, which I wish I hadn't (more about this later).

I also don't really know how to use it (I ignored the instructions!), I just slapped it on my hair and wrapped it in plastic for 2 hours and rinse.

It turned out cute but not as pink as I would have liked. Picture below is around a week after, it faded into a peachy pink then turned orange after two weeks.

Manic Panic Classic Formula in Hot Hot Pink
I don't want to give up on my hot pink dreams, so I purchased it again but this time the amplified formula.

I also paid attention to the instructions this time so it went a lot better.


First, shampoo your hair. Make sure it is squeaky clean. I used a clarifying shampoo.

Second, petroleum jelly/moisturizer around the hair line/nape is optional. Personally I didn't placed any. The first time I used Hot Hot Pink I still had some moisturizer on my hands (with gloves) so some moisturizer got mixed in with the dye. I found out later that petroleum jelly/moisturizers can affect the resulting colour so some people skip using this to avoid getting some on their hair. Manic Panic will stain your skin, but you can just use alcohol later on to somewhat remove it. It will fade away anyway after a few days (most bothersome areas I had stain was ears and hairline, but I just cover it with hair).

Third, don't just slap the dye on your hair. Comb it, squeeze it, until your hair is somewhat frothy. It's not frothy like a shampoo, but you'll know what I mean when you see it.

Fourth, I left it on for a long time. Originally, I wanted to leave it in for at least 6 hours but I really want to see my hair so I only managed to leave it on for 5 hours. I forgot to buy a shower cap, so I just used cling wrap to cover my head.

This is a week after I dyed it and the colour is still great but please excuse my roots!

Manic Panic Amplified Hot Hot Pink
Colour wise I like it a lot! Photos don't do it justice but it was largely because of my shitty phone camera. The pink looks really nice indoors and outdoors.

~ ⋆ AFTER CARE ⋆ ~

Honestly, I get a mini heart attack every time I shampoo my hair because the suds turn pink each time. I just use regular shampoo and I don't use clarifying shampoo in the meantime. Even prior to using Manic Panic, I wash my hair every other day, but as an extra measure to prevent my hair from getting oily (so as not to shampoo my hair outside of schedule) I avoid touching my scalp and tie my hair whenever it is extra hot (to keep sweat off it).

Conditioner is okay. Water runs clear every time I use conditioner so it may not affect the dye at all. If you still have leftover dye, some people mix it in with conditioner and leave it on for a few minutes to refresh the hair colour. I still have some left, but I haven't mixed it in with conditioner since the colour is still vibrant.


My hair has been looking a lot less vibrant over the past few weeks. It doesn't bother me much but there are several peach coloured streaks in my hair so I decided to refresh my hair colour with my left over manic panic.

I fucked up the first time I did this. I shampooed my hair as normal then used the conditioner mixed in with manic panic and probably waited around 5 minutes before rinsing. It will work but only temporarily - after my next wash I saw the peach coloured streak and patches on my hair again.

The best method would be shampooing your hair as normal then letting it dry. Once your hair is dry, put in the conditioner mixed in with Manic Panic and massage it on your hair to work it in. Then leave it on for a few hours, basically like the dyeing procedure above. After doing this, it lasted around a week before I saw streaks of peach again. Also, as the weeks go by, while my hair is still pink it wasn't really a vibrant colour like the one I had during the first few weeks (but I already expected as much). 


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